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Conference: Endometriosis (R)Evolution: Making the Invisible Visible

23–24 May 2024, Forum Stadtpark, Graz

CIRAC is organizing an interdisciplinary international conference Endometriosis (R)Evolution: Making the Invisible Visible on 23 and 24 May 2024 at Forum Stadtpark in Graz. Endometriosis will be discussed as a cultural, and not just (bio)medical phenomenon. Endometriosis will be viewed through the lens of health humanities, cultural and gender studies, social sciences, as well as visual and performance art.

The keynote speaker is artist Rachael Jablo, who will be officially opening the conference as well as the Hysteria Project art exhibition on 23 May 2024, at 18:00.

Take a look at the full conference program, including three interactive workshops, research posters, and paper presentation.

Conference attendance is free of charge, but as places are limited, we would kindly ask you to register by sending us an email to endo24(at) until 12 May 2024.

For additional questions, please refer to the Endo Revolution website.


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