The Age and Care Research Group Graz works together with renowned institutions in order to strengthen inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation in a local, national and international context:
- AgeCap Centre for Aging and Health, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
- Aging in Data, Concordia University in Montreal, Canada
- Aging + Communication + Technologies, Concordia University in Montreal, Canada
- Akzente Voitsberg
- German Network for Narrative Medicine
- European Network in Aging Studies (ENAS)
- Research Centre for Medical Humanities at the University of Innsbruck
- Friedensbüro of the City of Graz
- Gerontological Society of America (GSA)
- Gilbrea Centre for Studies in Aging, McMaster University, Canada
- International D-A-CH Network Caring Communities
- Network on Ageing / ÖPIA
- North American Network in Aging Studies (NANAS)
- Pavelhaus/Pavlova hiša
- Public Health Palliative Care International (PHPCI)
- Trent Centre for Aging & Society (TCAS), Canada
- SORGENETZ - Association for the Promotion of Social Care Culture
- OMEGA Association
- Folk Life Museum at the Paulustor